Women in Residential Remodeling Conversation – ZOOM Monthly Discussion Forum

10/10/2024 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM ET


  • Free


Via Zoom Meeting


Women in Residential Remodeling - Zoom Conversation on the 2nd Thursday of the month.


Women in Residential Remodeling Monthly Zoom Conversation
All PRO NE women, please join the WiRR group for our monthly ZOOM conversation on Thursday, October 10th at 4 pm
Do you constantly strive to be more, more, more? Are you on an ongoing quest to become better in all parts of your life? When does this instinctual craving for new benchmarks and higher achievements serve as a positive way to motivate yourself and others and when does it become toxic? Let’s dig into our “go to” defaults in terms of behaviors that move us forward and others that create unseen obstacles. How can we realize our ambitions without losing ourselves? How can we help our female colleagues minimize self-created road blocks while they navigate an upward trajectory?

WiRR Zoom Conversations take place the second Thursday of each month. Join us as we connect, share experiences, and offer insights. Each session features a mix of planned discussion topics and open forum. Anyone who is a part of PRO New England member companies at all levels of experience in the remodeling and construction industry are invited and encouraged to attend. 

Register for this month's discussion and a Zoom Link will be sent to you.

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